About: T&T Hair Salon at 9832 16th Ave. SW, White Center/Seattle, WA, 98106. Hours of operations:
Tuesday – Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 pm, closed Mondays and Sundays
Our Partnership:
Given our partnership with the Department of Local Services UKC (Unincorporated King County) Alliance and White Center CDA’s UCLE (United for a Community-Led Economy) Initiative, Economic Organizers have had the opportunity to assist small businesses with immediate concerns that lead to an eco-system that businesses can return to and rely on.
T&T Hair Salon is currently enrolled in WCCDA’s Business Builder Program. T&T Hair Salon, a 22-year legacy business, was able to strengthen their eco-system and knowledge by advocating for themselves and negotiating a much-needed lease agreement. T&T was experiencing 45% yearly rent increases, lack of lease agreement, and relationship with the property owner. WCCDA Economic Organizers along with the owner Tuan Tong, and legal consultation from Communities Rise were able to successfully secure a lease that supports mid-term commercial affordability and legacy business investment. Tuan can now rely on a lease agreement with terms that support the vision of his business. White Center’s unique and diverse business district can be attributed to Tuan Tong and his 22-year investment.
Tuan Tong arrived in Seattle bringing his hair styling experience in Vietnam, had a desire to re-develop his skills by getting the certifications needed and opened his White Center shop in 2001. His salon is appreciated by customers coming from White Center and the surrounding region. For 22 years, Tuan has provided quality haircuts, styling, and customer service, all at an affordable price. Tuan is one of the first Vietnamese entrepreneurs to open a hair salon in White Center.
Commercial leases that hold commercial affordability and value legacy are so necessary to building a diverse and thriving business district. The WCCDA also knows there are many other tools and strategies needed to hold our communities in place over the long term, to have the right to stay where they are rooted. The partnership with the Department of Local Services though the UKC Alliance is providing the necessary funding and co-creating governance needed to carry out a more thoughtful and sustainable work of building White Center’s collective economic and cultural wealth and well-being.